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Malá ale pekná / Small but beautiful


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🇸🇰Pláž Havajka je síce malá, ale krásna. Nájdete ju v komplexe Verudela. Nachádza sa len pár minút autom od centra mesta. Ak prídete autom, tu môžete zaparkovať zadarmo. Z parkoviska na pláž budete musieť ísť pešo. Prechádzka trvá približne 5 minút.

Pláž je tvorená stredne veľkými kameňmi a v okolí sú skaly. Pokiaľ nenájdete voľné miesto priamo na pláži, budete si musieť ľahnúť na skaly. Budete ohromení krištáľovo čistou vodou! Na pláži nenájdete sprchy ani bar. Nevideli sme tam ani toalety. Nám to ale veľmi neprekážalo a užili sme si každú minútu na pláži. Ak radi skáčete zo skál, v okolí pláže nájdete veľa dobrých miest.

🇬🇧 Although Havajka beach is small, it is beautiful. You can find it in the Verudela complex. It's located just a few minutes by car from the city center. If you come by car, here you can park for free. You'll have to walk from the parking lot to the beach. The walk takes approximately 5 minutes.

The beach is made up of medium-sized stones and there are rocks in the surroundings. Unless you find a free spot right on the beach, you will have to lie down on the rocks. You will be amazed by crystal clear water! You won't find any showers or bar on the beach. We didn't even see toilets there. But it didn't bother us much and we enjoyed every minute on the beach. If you like jumping from the rocks you'll find many good spots along the beach.

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