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🇸🇰 Pláž Javna / 🇬🇧Beach Javna


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🇸🇰 Krásna kamienková pláž uprostred ničoho. Z Vrbnika sa tam dostanete autom za 10-15 minút. Cesta je úzka, takže by ste mali jazdiť pomaly. Svoje auto budete musieť zaparkovať hneď vedľa cesty. Pláž je odľahlá, tichá, nie sú tu žiadne zariadenia ani tieň. Voda je krištáľovo čistá a teplá. Prineste si so sebou dostatok vody a jedla.

🇬🇧Beautiful pebble beach in the middle of nowhere. To get there you have to drive 10-15 minutes from Vrbnik. Road is narrow so you should drive slowly. You'll have to park your car just next to the road. The beach is secluded, quiet, there aren't any facilities or shade. Water is crystal clear, clean and warm. Bring enough water and food with you.

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