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🇸🇰 Neskutočný chrám / 🇬🇧Magnificent Temple


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🇸🇰Tento chrám bol zasvätený prvému rímskemu vládcovi Augustovi. Bol postavený niekedy medzi rokmi 27 a 14 nášho letopočtu. Je to malý, ale krásny chrám s bohatou históriou, ktorú si môžete priblížiť pri prehliadke múzea. Bolo to miesto uctievania a obradu pre občanov Puly. Toto miesto si určite nenechajte ujsť. Počas večera sa budova rozžiari rôznymi farbami a vyzerá úžasne. Je obklopený viacerými reštauráciami a barmi, takže si tam môžete vychutnať skvelú atmosféru.

🇬🇧This temple was dedicated to the first Roman ruler, Augustus. It was built sometime between 27 AD and 14 AD. It is a small but beautiful temple with a rich history, which can be brought closer to you during a tour of the museum. It was a place of worship and ceremony for the citizens of Pula. Definitely not miss this place. During evening the building is lighten up with different colors and it looks awesome. It's surrounded by multiple restaurants and bars so you can enjoy your time there.

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