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🇸🇰 Oblúkk Sergii/ 🇬🇧Arch of the Sergii


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🇸🇰 Oblúk Sergii je pôsobivá rímska pamiatka nachádzajúca sa v centre Puly. Postavený bol v 1. storočí pred Kristom. Tento oblúk bol postavený na počesť rodiny Sergii, jednej z najvplyvnejších rodín v meste v tom čase. Vďaka svojej centrálnej polohe je oblúk pre vás jednoduchou zastávkou.

🇬🇧The Arch of the Sergii is an impressive Roman monument located in the heart of Pula. It was built in the 1st century. This arch was erected to honor the Sergii family, one of the most influential families in the city at the time. With its central location, the arch is an easy stop for you.

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