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🇸🇰Parkovanie zdarma / 🇬🇧Free parking


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🇸🇰Je naozaj ťažké a takmer nemožné nájsť nejaké bezplatné parkovisko veľmi blízko starého mesta. Nebojte sa, našli sme toto parkovisko, ktoré je každý deň úplne bezplatné a je naozaj obrovské. Preto nebudete mať problém zaparkovať svoje auto. Z parkoviska do mesta to trvá len asi 10 minút pešo.

🇬🇧It's really hard and almost impossible to find some free parking very close to old town. Don't worry we found this parking which is completely free every day and it's really huge. Therefore you won't have any problems to park your vehicle. From the parking lot to the city it takes only around 10 minutes of walking to get there.

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