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🇸🇰/ 🇬🇧Cocktail Bar Limbo


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🇸🇰 Úžasné miesto s veľmi príjemnou atmosférou, najmä večer. Sedieť na schodoch s rastlinami je určite iný zážitok než na iných miestach v Rovinj. Okrem dobrej kávy ponúkajú aj rôzne skvelé koktaily. Idylická, uvoľnená atmosféra a dobrá jazzová hudba.

🇬🇧A chill place with a very nice atmosphere, especially in the evening. Sitting on the stairs with the plants definitely feels different than most other places in the city. Except good coffees they also offer variety of great cocktails. Idyllic, laid back vibes and some good jazz music.

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