Quick Bali facts

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Bali, Indonesia

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Currency in Bali: Indonesian Rupiah

A rough exchange rate is £1 = 20,000 IDR, 1€ = 15,000, $1 = 14,000. The average monthly wage is £150/£200 a month here so please tip well.


Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is spoken throughout Indonesia and Balinese (you can get lessons here or you can learn a few basics on DuoLingo!)


Balinese Hinduism (a mix of Buddhism and Shivaism) and Islam are the main religions on the island. Balinese people will hold different ceremonies once every two weeks, every month, 3 months, 6 months and year. You will see 'offerings' pictured below outside your houses and in the streets and these are made by Balinese Hindus to thank the God Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in praise and prayer. Do not step on or over these, that is considered disrespectful of the culture!!!!

Wildlife in Bali

There are animals in Bali that are not commonly found in Europe, for example: some species of snakes, spiders, lizards etc.. Having lived here for over two years now, travelling all over the island and living in the jungle for 5 months; they are way more scared of us than we are of them! It's quite rare to see any of these animals; I've only seen a few and they've all been tiny anyway! It's something to think about when choosing accommodation! If you’re on a hike, make it a habit to tap your feet hard on the ground, to scare them away. Also make sure to, check your legs after hikes for ticks and leeches. I highly advise you to wear quality shoes and high socks, if you’re going into the jungle for waterfalls!

Getting Around Bali

If there is one application that you need on your phone here in Indonesia, it’s GOJEK or GRAB. As the main form of transport in Bali is via bikes, to avoid driving yourself you will be able to order a bike or car taxi. These apps will allow you to order food for delivery and even do your daily shopping with delivery straight to you and more. Unless you connect a card to these apps, you will need cash to use these apps.


Make use of the safes in your accommodation when you're sleeping and when you go out. Do NOT go on your phone on the bike or when you're walking alone, always stop by a cafe where there are people if you need to check something. If you're riding a bike, put all your valuables underneath the seat. Do not wear noticeable or expensive jewellery. If you're bringing a rucksack, bring one that locks!

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