Itinerary Review

Alaska, United States

How it works:


Complete Purchase

Choose your desired itinerary length and complete the payment process.

Submit Itinerary

After purchase, you can create your itinerary in the Rexby itinerary builder

Receive Itinerary

I'll provide an itinerary review based on your survey answers within 3-10 days.

What to expect

I will analyze every detail, offering personalized tips for an unforgettable trip. The fee includes introductory emails where you provide me with what you have planned so far, a 45-minute video call, and follow-up emails to ensure you're all set!

Consultation by Valerie Stimac of Valerie & Valise
Joined in May 2024

After spending 15 winters in Alaska (and the rest of the year too), I now travel back to Alaska once or twice a year, plus run the popular travel blog Valerie & Valise that specializes in Alaska travel advice.
