Volcano View


Mensaje de Octavia Viajando

Have you ever heard of the Ojos del Salado volcano? I have, several times, but I didn't imagine what it was like until I was able to see it in person a few weeks ago on the trip we took with @geoturismolickanantay and I want to share it with you!

It is a majestic volcano, it is the highest and most active in the world (6,893 masl), it is located in the middle of the Puna de Atacama, in the mountain range of the III Region, between the borders of Chile and Argentina, with the highest summit in our country. . It is the second highest peak in the Andes, it has 38 craters and still has fumarolic activity, which was first observed in 1937 and its last explosive eruption took place between 1,000 and 1,500 years ago!

To get to know it we had to enter the route that runs through the Copiapó Valley, following the Route of the Six Thousands, it is called that because all the surrounding volcanoes are over 6 thousand meters, wherever you look you will see a volcano!

In the world of mountaineering, it is a giant that everyone knows and that only a few dare to climb. For this, great preparation, acclimatization, equipment, knowledge and a lot of time are needed, since before you must climb all the surrounding volcanoes as a way of climbing. training.

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