Bus to Siwa

Car Rental



Est. Duration


Message from Aurélie Bouti

🇬🇧 Cairo Gateway Bus Station, or Torgoman Bus Terminal as locals call it, is making a name for itself as the go-to place for catching a bus in the bustling city of Cairo. No matter where you're headed around Egypt, you can find the right bus from Cairo Gateway Bus Station.

Personally, I went to Siwa with a driver (we had him as an Uber driver for a short trip and we asked him if he did longer ones) which I absolutely do not recommend because in addition to the fact that it is also necessary to add to the price the care of gasoline, its hotel, its meals until the return, few Egyptians go to Siwa because it is a very isolated city so most do not know not the difficulty of the road. The best alternative and the one I would choose next time is therefore the bus and here is all the information necessary for a departure from Cairo:

  • Name of the bus company: West Delta

  • Bus departure time: 11:00 p.m. every day (only one per day)

  • Name of the bus stop: Turgoman Station (tell the name of this stop to your taxi to be dropped off there)

  • Travel time: about 12 hours (nearly 800km)

  • Where to buy tickets: at the entrance of Turgoman Station, at the West Delta counter, on the left after passing the security check at the entrance to the station

  • After the bus leaves, it will then make another 1 or 2 stops at different stations in Cairo and then drive towards Siwa making 4/5 stops on the road

  • You can buy snacks during stops on the road but not real meals

  • If you want more comfort and more leg room, buy an extra ticket next to you

  • Please note: remember to take water wipes with you because some of the places where the bus stops are not clean at all

đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Personnellement, je suis allĂ©e Ă  Siwa avec un chauffeur (nous l’avions eu en chauffeur Uber pour un court trajet et nous lui avions demandĂ© s’il en faisait des plus longs) ce que je ne recommande absolument pas parce qu’en plus du fait qu’il faut aussi ajouter au tarif la prise en charge l’essence, son hĂŽtel, ses repas jusqu’au retour, peu d’égyptiens se rendent Ă  Siwa car c’est une ville trĂšs isolĂ©e donc la plupart ne connaissent pas la difficultĂ© de la route. La meilleure alternative et celle que je choisirais la prochaine fois est donc le bus et voici toutes les informations nĂ©cessaires pour un dĂ©part du Caire :

  • Nom de la compagnie de bus : West Delta

  • Heure de dĂ©part du bus : 23h00 tous les jours (un seul par jour)

  • Nom de l’arrĂȘt de bus : Turgoman Station (indiquez le nom de cet arrĂȘt Ă  votre taxi pour vous faire dĂ©poser lĂ -bas)

  • Temps de trajet : environ 12 heures (prĂšs de 800km)

  • OĂč acheter les tickets : Ă  l’entrĂ©e de Turgoman Station’ au guichet de West Delta Ă  gauche aprĂšs avoir passĂ© le contrĂŽle de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’entrĂ©e de la gare

  • AprĂšs le dĂ©part du bus, il fera ensuite 1 ou 2 autres arrĂȘts dans diffĂ©rentes gares du Caire puis roulera vers Siwa en faisant 4/5 arrĂȘts sur la route

  • Vous pourrez acheter des snacks pendant les arrĂȘts sur la route mais pas de vrais repas

  • Si vous voulez plus de confort et plus de place pour vos jambes, achetez un ticket supplĂ©mentaire Ă  cĂŽtĂ© de vous

  • Attention : pensez Ă  prendre avec vous des lingettes pour les toilettes parce que certains des endroits oĂč le bus s’arrĂȘte ne sont pas propres du tout

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