Sheraton La Jolla Hotel
Luxury Hotel




Message from Chelsey Evans

Reasons why to stay: The Sheraton La Jolla beach hotel is located near lots of restaurants, breweries, and shopping. This hotel offers a fitness center, a heated outdoor pool, and two onsite dining options.

Make sure to take a walk around the property as it offers beautiful sights, such as waterfalls, koi ponds, and lots of palm trees! An iconic San Diego staple tree.

Things to do around here: Currently, the Sheraton La Jolla is offering a discount to the Birch Aquarium if you stay at their hotel. You will get a once in a lifetime “Under the Sea” experience when booking the Sheraton through 12/31/19. Tickets include overnight accommodations at the hotel and 1adult/1child ticket to the aquarium.

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See all 144 things to do

Things to Do Nearby

Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa
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Everyday California
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ITH Beach Bungalow Surf Hostel

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