Bubble hotel
The 5 Million Star Hotel




Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer


Nachricht von Ása Steinars

Buubble hotel is a fun experience but not the most comfortable. If you get northern lights while staying here you're up for an amazing experience. There's however no sun shade so they can get very hot in the morning if the sun is up. There's also no toilets by the bubbles so you'll need to walk a few hundred meters to get to them.

You may book a Buubble, without an accompanying tour, only from mid-April thru August. All other stays at Buubble require a guided tour to be booked in conjunction.

There are two Buubbles:

  • Hroshagi in Reykholt, closer to the Golden Circle sights (pinned here)

  • Ölvisholt near Selfoss and closer to Road 1

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