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Allt Chranaidh Waterfall
Stunning waterfall


Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer



Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Tom & Laura

Allt Chranaidh Waterfall is a stunning waterfall located in Scotland's Highlands.

Nestled amongst rolling green hills, this natural wonder provides an awe-inspiring sight for those who visit - cascading nearly 60 feet from its source at Allt Coire nam Bad.

There are two ways to admire its beauty - from the top of the hill (parking in one of the small bays) and walking across the headland to where it falls. Here, when the water is not flowing too fast, a small section can be crossed allowing you to get the photos you see here.

Far easier though is parking at the foot of the hill and walking along the path to the foot of the waterfall - a lovely walk but have the right footwear!

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