Hali Country Hotel & Restaurant
Good hotel and restaurant nearby the glacier lagoon


message de Ása Steinars

Hali Country Hotel & Restaurant is an inexpensive and comfortable base for exploring the region of Vatnajökull in Iceland. The hotel is also home to the Þórbergur cultural center, which honors the work of the great Icelandic writer Þórbergur Þórðarson, so guests can explore some history and culture too.

Great location if you need to spend the night or eat near Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon.

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Things to Do Nearby

Hótel Jökulsarlon - Glacier Lagoon Hotel
Kayak - Jökulsárlon Glacier Lagoon
Amphibian Boat Tours - Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon
Local Guide - Ice Cave Tours
Fjallsárlón Glacier Hut
Fjallsárlón Iceberg Boat Tours
Fosshotel Glacier Lagoon

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