Chernobyl series tour
Learn about what was real and fake in the HBO series, visit filming places, KGB prison and more at our guided tour



44 US$

Est. Durée


message de Ieva

HBO Chernobyl mini series has become a worldwide hit as it tells the story of the 1986 nuclear disaster. But how much of the Chernobyl TV series is fact or fiction? Learn about what was real and fake in the HBO series, visit filming places, KGB prison and more at our guided tour.

Chernobyl was filmed in Vilnius one of the sleeping quarters – Fabijoniškės. This district was built around the period of the actual Chernobyl catastrophe in the late 1980s. During the tour you will visit Fabijoniskes as well as other filming sites and learn about soviet life as well as Chernobyl catastrophe

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