Anantara Chiang Mai Resort
Relaxing stay in Chiang Mai


Requisito di età

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messaggio da worldpitou

Anantara Chiang Mai Resort is an ideal destination for travelers seeking a luxurious spa experience. The resort offers a wide array of healing treatments, from Lanna healing massages to facial and body treatments, all in a tranquil, riverside setting. Guests can also take part in Muay Thai boxing classes and cooking classes to soothe the senses. Complimentary high-speed WiFi, along with sauna, steam and Jacuzzi facilities (charges apply) are available for added indulgence. Enjoy unforgettable moments on this serene property and explore local attactions like Night Bazaar, Riverside and Old City nearby.

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*Prenotando tramite me, mi sostieni come creatore di contenuti senza costi aggiuntivi per te.

Things to Do Nearby

Na Nirand Resort
137 Pillars House Chiang Mai
Wat Chiang Man
Wat Phantao
Wat Chedi Luang
El Barrio Lanna
Old City
Wat Sri Suphan
Wat Rajamontean
Raya Heritage
Wat Lok Moli
Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihan
The Inside House

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