Taipei 101
The Icon of Taiwan!


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All ages

Message from Taiwan Visuals

Taipei 101 is a super-tall skyscraper located in Taipei, Taiwan. It used to be the tallest building in the world until the Burj Khalifa came along. But hey, it's still pretty impressive! It's over half a kilometer tall and has some crazy fast elevators that can take you from the 5th to the 89th floor in just 37 seconds. Talk about a speedy ride!

And the best thing is that you can go to the 89th floor and above to access their observatory! There you'll be able to see from the highest point of Taipei overseeing the city. You'll be happy to know that Taipei 101 is one of the largest and tallest green buildings out there. Plus, it's got a cool design that combines traditional Asian aesthetics with modern materials. So if you're ever in Taipei, make sure to check out this iconic landmark!