Castel dell'Ovo
Castel dell'Ovo


Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer


Nachricht von Clara Alessandra

Then continue the walk along the seafront up to the Castel dell'Ovo. The name of this castle is linked to the legend according to which the poet Virgil (considered a magician) hid a magical egg in the dungeons of the building. If this egg had broken, it would have brought about catastrophes on the castle, which would also have hit the city of Naples. Treat yourself to a visit to this castle, but above all, stop and relax. Admire Vesuvius in the distance, but also the islands of Capri and Ischia. Castel dell'Ovo is a precious pearl in the city of Naples, to be admired strictly at sunset! If you are fascinated by the history of the places you visit, know that you can book the tour of the origins of Naples, which includes a visit to Castel dell'Ovo and Maschio Angioino.

You can find tickets in the link below.

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Things to Do Nearby

Napoli Train station
Alibus Airport Bus
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