Terrazza del Pincio, Villa Borghese
Best sunset spot


Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer



Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Clara Alessandra

The iconic Terrazza del Pincio in Villa Borghese is a must-see destination when visiting Rome. Located on the beautiful Pincian Hill and boasting incredible views of Piazza del Popolo and St Peter’s Basilica, it offers a unique blend of poetry, art and nature featuring soaring pines, tinkling fountains and life-sized sculptures of Italy’s most famous sons. In a delightful hidden corner of the park is a magical 19th century water clock, an amazing feat of hydraulic engineering created by the inventive friar Giovanni Battista Embriaco. Reaching this hidden gem requires you to cross a rickety wooden bridge across a small lake and climb a tower atop a tiny rocky cliff – an otherworldly experience that evokes the spirit of Alice in Wonderland.

If you wish to visit the Gallery of Villa Borghese, you will find the link below.

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