The Making of Harry Potter
Magical behind-the-scenes Hogwarts tour




Nachricht von Tamra Bow

If you’re a Harry Potter or DC fan, the Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo is pure magic!

Step behind the scenes of your favorite movies and explore iconic sets like the Hogwarts Great Hall and Batman’s Batcave.

It’s like stepping into a movie, with interactive exhibits, props, and costumes that make you feel like you're part of the action.

Tickets are around ¥2,000–¥4,000, and while they're not as hard to come by as Ghibli Park, it’s still best to book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Pardon the pun, but we're told this is one experience that will leave you 'spellbound'!

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Things to Do Nearby

Shinjuku Golden-Gai
Shibuya Sky
Akiba Kart Shibuya
Imperial Palace

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