Yehliu Geopark
Most Unique Rock Formations that you should visit




Est. Duration


Message from Taiwan Visuals

Yehliu Geopark is a super cool and unique park in Taiwan that you don't want to miss. It's like stepping into another world with its crazy rock formations that have been shaped by the ocean waves over thousands of years. You'll find all sorts of weird and wonderful shapes, like rocks that look like people's faces or even a giant shoe! It's a popular spot for tourists, so be prepared for crowds, but it's worth it to see this natural wonderland.

Ticket: NTD 120 (based on the time of writing, may differ)

📸Recommended Photo Spots📸

  1. Queen's Head (the most photographed rock)

  2. (this is where we shot the first video)

  1. Yehliu Lighthouse

⚠️How to get there?⚠️

Take your nearest MRT to Taipei Main Station then take the 1815 bus which will take you to Yehliu.

⏰: 24 Hours (Best during day time)

✨Have a wonderful time here~

Age requirement

All ages