The Great Market Square
Historic quarter with artisan charm


Mensaje de Ieva

Kėdainiai is known for its historic old town. The Great Market Square, home to one of Lithuania's three remaining town halls, is surrounded by 17th-19th century buildings. In the square, there's a monument by Algirdas Bosas honoring the Radvila family, featuring Jonušas Radvila and historical symbols. This monument reflects the Radvilas' contributions to the town, like founding a pharmacy, printing house, and lyceum.

Kėdainiai's historic buildings include Scottish houses on Radvilų Street (numbers 5 and 21). In the 17th-18th centuries, a Scottish community settled here, opening shops and contributing to the town's prosperity. Notable structures include the former mayor Jurgis Anderson's house and the Arnet House, built by a Scottish merchant between 1624-1661, one of the town's most authentic old buildings.

Kėdainiai is home to one of Lithuania's three remaining town halls (Didžioji st. 1), along with Vilnius and Kaunas. The Renaissance-style building, remodeled in 1653-1654, originally housed a prison and archives in the basement, shops on the first floor, and magistrate offices and a courtroom on the second. Today, it contains the Civil Registry Office and an art gallery.

One of the prettiest building in Kėdainiai is The Glassmakers' House (Didžioji st. 6). It's a 17th-century building in the Dutch style

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