Scenic viewpoint with stunning vistas


Message from Sergio

Miradouro da Boca do Inferno on São Miguel Island in the Azores is a must-visit spot, offering breathtaking views of Lagoa Azul, Lagoa Verde, Lagoa de Santiago, and the surrounding crater. The name, meaning “Mouth of Hell,” reflects the dramatic landscape.

Why Visit?

Stunning Panoramas: Enjoy unparalleled views of the contrasting blue and green lakes of Sete Cidades and the lush volcanic craters.

Nature and Tranquility: A serene spot to immerse yourself in the island’s natural beauty.

Photography: Perfect for capturing iconic Azorean landscapes.

Practical Tips

Hike Difficulty: The short, well-marked trail starts from the parking area located here, taking about 20-40 minutes one way. Follow my route here to avoid getting lost.

Weather Check: The weather can be unpredictable, so check the live camera feed for real-time updates before your visit. Be prepared for chilly and windy conditions.

Nearby Attractions: Explore other beautiful spots like Lagoa Do Canario and Miradouro Vista do Rei in the vicinity.

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