Aulla has some surprises, despite the fact that few have heard of it. First of all, it's pretty modern. Why is that? Well, Allied forces bombed it pretty much to smithereens during the war. One of the bombs hit the apse of the church where a saint was buried--and it was a dud. So there's that. Archaeological investigations (which you can see) lead to the discovery of the bomb and its eventual removal to be set off in a safe environment.
What does that mean? Well, compared to those other medieval villages you've puttered about in, this one has real parking. Lots of it. And more people actually manage to get their cars in between the lines! And there are wide sidewalks. Honestly, you don't have to press your timorous body against a crumbling 12th century wall when the inevitable SUV comes rambling towards you down the narrow strip identified on the map as a street.
So let's get to it. First we'll check into our apartment, and then we'll see the archaeology in that apse and learn all about pilgrimage in the 10th-13th centuries.