This is one of the most easy accessible suspension bridges in Switzerland.
You simply arrive by car and can park at the parking (it's on the main road between Fiesch and Bellwald.
The "Goms Bridge", built and opened in summer 2015, connects the two hiking areas of Bellwald and Ernen as well as the Rottenweg and the Gommer Höhenweg. At the same time, it provides Bellwald with a connection to the cantonal Gletsch-Lake Geneva cycle path and a year-round link to the Binntal Landscape Park.
The 280-meter-long and 1.40-meter-wide bridge is accessible year-round for hikers, wheelchair users and bicycles. In fact it is the 5th longest pedestrian suspension bridge in Switzerland
For those who only want to pay a short visit to the Goms Bridge, parking spaces are available in Fürgangen. For crossing the road we ask everyone to use the underpass.
PS: on sunny summer days it is very busy but if it's moody you might have the chance to be the only one like we were :)