🇸🇰Majitelia apartmánu sú naozaj milí a dajú vám nejaké odporúčania. Poloha je úžasná, s ľahkým prístupom ku všetkému. Izba je veľká, čistá a má pohodlné postele. AC funguje perfektne. Nachádza sa v centre mesta, v blízkosti mora a starého mesta. Celkovo je to skvelá voľba pre páry alebo priateľov.
Rezervujte si pobyt TU.
🇬🇧The apartment owners are really nice and they'll give you some recommendations. The location is amazing, with easy access to everything. The room is big, clean, and has comfortable beds. AC works perfectly. It's located in the city center, close to the sea and old town. Overall, a great choice for couples or friends.
Book your stay HERE.