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🇸🇰Námestie Marafor / 🇬🇧Marafor Square


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🇸🇰 Námestie Marafor v Poreči je staroveké rímske fórum. Je to historické miesto s ruinami a artefaktmi, ktoré vás vrátia do 1. storočia. Je obklopené budovami a kaviarňami a je skvelým miestom na oddych a vychutnanie si atmosféry Poreču.

🇬🇧Marafor Square in Poreč is an ancient Roman forum. It's a historic site with ruins and artifacts that take you back to the 1st century. Surrounded by buildings and cafes, it's a great spot to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of Poreč.

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