Gourmet Dining Options: Delicious local ingredients for BBQ or other meals are provided, with the option to cater based on your schedule. No need for the hassle of shopping or cooking yourself.
Private Facility: Unlike hotels, this rental offers full privacy without contact with other guests. Enjoy the open-air bath, sauna, BBQ garden (rain or shine), indoor pool (open June to September), jacuzzi, garden theater, 5 private bedrooms, kitchen, and more with complete security.
Convenient Access: Just 90 minutes from central Tokyo, with free parking.
Outdoor Activities: The spacious backyard offers a trampoline, soccer, catch games, and nighttime fireworks.
Flexible Dining: Guests are free to bring their own BBQ ingredients or prepare meals according to their preferences.
Special Celebrations: For birthdays or anniversaries, guests can pre-order cakes from a pâtissier, and custom surprise requests are accommodated.