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Tokyo Station
Tokyo's busiest railway hub

öffentlicher Verkehr





Nachricht von Tamra Bow

Tokyo Station is the busiest railway station in the world.

Three million people pass through here each day.

But don't let that scare you!

Getting amongst the squish is half the fun!

If it's your first time, you might want to avoid it at peak hour. And make sure you arrive at least 1 hour before you trip.

This will give you enough time to find your gate and platform.

If you get stuck, find an information window and ask for a map. This made our lives so much easier, especially since we transited through Tokyo Station a number of times on our Japan trip.

This is also here you'll take off from for most of your day trips.

You don't necessarily need to stay near Tokyo Station because subways will bring you here.

Top Tip: The JR Pass recently underwent a price increas of around 80%. To save money, we bought our Japan train tickets individually on Klook.

Use our discount code for 10% off: KLOOKGABTK

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Things to Do Nearby

Mercure Hibiya Hotel
Tsukiji Outer Market
Imperial Palace
teamLab Planets TOKYO DMM
Hotel Tavinos Asakusa
Tokyo Skytree

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