Calton Hill
Enjoy epic 360 degrees views of the city





Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Ian G Black

Calton Hill is one of Edinburgh's main hills, set right in the city centre, a short 5-10 minute walk from Princes Street in central Edinburgh. Calton Hill boasts one of the most commanding panoramic views of the city and so I often start an Edinburgh tour here. With its incredible views it's a popular spot for taking photographs and paintings of the city. The hill is home to important buildings like the Scottish Government headquarters and the Scottish Parliament Building. It also boasts several monuments and structures, including the National Monument, the Nelson Monument, and the Dugald Stewart Monument. Calton Hill has a rich history, with prehistoric remains and a former monastery on its grounds. Im often asked where in the city would be a good place to propose and Calton Hill along with The Vennel are usually my 2 top suggestions!  Calton Hill holds some architectural splendours of its own and no-where in Edinburgh does the nickname 'Athens of the North' make more sense than on the top of Calton Hill.

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