Haad Tien Beach Resort
Best resort in Koh Tao !


Nachricht von worldpitou

For me Haadtien Beach Resort is the best resort in Koh Tao, it's a perfect getaway for those looking for a secluded beach vacation. Located on the beautiful Thian-Org Bay (Shark Bay) in Koh Tao Island, it offers luxurious villas surrounded by palm groves with private balconies. The villas come equipped with all the modern amenities like mini bar and television. Guests can enjoy amazing activities such as snorkeling, canoeing, mountain biking and yoga classes - all arranged at the resort’s tour desk. Traditional Thai massages are also available for those seeking more relaxation. From the beautiful white sandy beach to the clear blue waters, Haadtien Beach Resort allows its guests to experience paradise.

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