Ancient bookshop






Message from Valeria

Here’s the catch: right behind San Petronio church, there are several more places you don’t want to miss. Missed the book market, but still want a fancy souvenir? Head to Libreria Nanni, one of the oldest and most famous bookshops in Bologna. Why is it so special? Besides being opened in 1825 and having worked continuously ever since, this bookshop, located under Portico della Morte, will make you think of the famous Parisian Bouquinistes, with its characteristic banks selling everything, from contemporary literature to antique works. The bookshop has once been very much loved by Pier Paolo Pasolini, too. So whether you’d like to buy an antique book or a funny guide to the Bolognese dialect (dialàtt bulgnaiṡ), you’ll find something to bring home from there. 

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