Bjórböðin - Beer Spa & Restaurant
The Only Spa of Its Kind in Iceland




Est. Duration


Message from Jewells Chambers

Give yourself baby soft skin and a relaxing experience by bathing in young beer. In the small town of Árskógssandur in North Iceland, is a fun and unique beer spa (the only one of its kind in Iceland). Kaldi, the first microbrewery in Iceland, opened up this spa where you get to relax and rejuvenate your skin.

They use young beer, live beer yeast, hops, water, beer oil, and beer salt to create a soaking experience that will have your skin feeling as soft as a baby's.

I had the pleasure of enjoying this spa. As a lover of beer, it was fun to pour myself a glass while soaking in it!

There are normal hot tubs, and a sauna outside. The view from the hot tubs is phenomenal! One of my favorite parts of the spa experience is that they have a relaxation room they take you too after soaking in the beer. You literally get wrapped up a blanket and drift off in a dimly lit room. I didn't want to leave!

However, hours of soaking meant I was hungry. I highly recommend eating at their restaurant. They had delicious vegan and non-vegan options to choose from.

Towels, a robe, a locker, and slippers are included.

Age requirement

All ages

What to bring
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