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🇸🇰/ 🇬🇧Cafe Frei Pula


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🇸🇰Cafe Frei Pula je známa svojim jedinečným konceptom. Kaviareň ponúka široký výber aromatických káv z celého sveta, ako aj rôzne druhy čajov, smoothies a osviežujúcich nápojov. Panuje tu útulná atmosféra, kde si môžete oddýchnuť a vychutnať rôzne nápoje. Môžete si tiež kúpiť kávu a vziať si ju domov. Nie je to v centre Puly, ale určite by ste tam mali ísť, ak ste milovníkom kávy!

🇬🇧It's known for its unique concept. Cafe offers a wide selection of aromatic coffees from around the world, as well as a variety of teas, smoothies, and refreshing beverages. The cozy and vibrant ambiance creates a perfect atmosphere for you to relax and enjoy your drinks. You can also buy some coffee and take it home. It's not in the center of Pula but you should definitely go there if you are a coffee lover!

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