Coast Mountain Sports
Only outdoor gear in Whitehorse Yukon


Age requirement

All ages

Message from Danielle Marie Lister

This is the place to go to pick up any last minute gear items. Need an extra tent peg? Or fuel for your backpacking trip? Coast has it all. Located in right in downtown Whitehorse, Yukon, they offer a wide selection of top brands such as Arc'teryx, Canada Goose, Icebreaker, Mountain Hardwear, Patagonia, Rab, and The North Face. From clothing and footwear to camping and travel gear, they have you covered.

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Things to Do Nearby

Portable Barrel Sauna | Sasquatch Saunas
Yukon Built Flagship Store
Raven Inn Whitehorse
Edgewater Hotel
Centrally located cozy condo | Neighbourly North
Waterfront Stay in Downtown Whitehorse | Neighbourly North
Stay with balcony overlooking river | Neighourly North
Executive Riverside Condo | Neighbourly North

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