Levanto Train Station
Levanto Train Station



Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Clara Alessandra

Levanto Train Station is a great way to explore the Italian Riviera. It is conveniently located in the city centre and is only 15 minutes' walk from Piazza da Passano, making it easy to get to without spending too much money on a taxi. Taking a bus is also a great option since there are school buses and buses that run to places such as Bivio, where you can take the 47 to the station and beyond. The walk up to the train station is mostly flat, with the exception of the slight incline after Corso Roma. With a range of restaurants near the station, it's simple to grab a quick bite on your way to or from Levanto!

This is also the train station you get to to visit the 5 terre!!

Click the link below to get your train tickets

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Things to Do Nearby

Affittacamere Il Borgo, Levanto
Cinque Terre by Train

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