Hotel Trevi, Rome
Hotel close to the Trevi fountain (3 star)


Nachricht von Clara Alessandra

Hotel Trevi Accomodation is a delightful hotel in Rome, Italy. The hotel offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and provides numerous amenities to ensure guests have a comfortable visit. All rooms feature modern decorations and comforts, including free Wi-Fi, private bathrooms with showers and complimentary daily breakfast and a bar/restaurant where visitors can enjoy delicious meals and refreshing drinks. The friendly staff will be available to help with any request and suggest local attractions and activities ideas, making sure visitors have the best possible experience. In addition, there are plenty of nearby sites, and historical places for guests to explore, making Hotel Trevi Accomodation the perfect spot for a unique and unforgettable vacation.

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Things to Do Nearby

Fontana di Trevi
Piazza del Campidoglio
Musei Capitolini
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