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Galleria Doria Pamphilj
Hidden gem in Rome



16 €

Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer


Nachricht von Francesco Meola

One of Rome's hidden gems is the Galleria Doria Pamphilj. Located in the palace of the same name, the gallery has been home to the renowned art collection of the Doria Pamphilj family for hundreds of years. Visitors can explore the stunning Baroque and Renaissance architecture and marvel at the exquisite paintings, sculptures, furniture, and tapestries that fill the premises. One of the highlights of this museum is the masterful Portrait of Innocent X, painted by Diego Velázquez. It's also home of works from Caravaggio, Tiziano, Raffaello, Carracci and Bernini. The "Galleria degli Specchi" alone is worth a visit here, I was amazed by its beauty! I found the visit to be super interesting and fascinating. If you love art like I do, Galleria Doria Pamphilj is such a great place to visit. The gallery is opened from Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 7 pm and from Friday to Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm.


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