Pantheonview - Luxury Suites
Luxury Rome Suites


Nachricht von Francesco Meola

Pantheonview - Luxury Suites is the perfect base for any Rome adventure. They have several rooms spanned across the area of the Pantheon, I stayed in the room called "Camera Matrimoniale con Terrazza - Dependance" and I would highly recommend it! Especially if you visit in the summer, this is a great place as they have an amazing terrace with the most stunning view over Rome. You can see the Altare della Patria while enjoying your morning coffee :)

The room was clean, the beds were comfortable and the bathroom spacious.

Would highly recommend this place, I had a lovely time here, but unfortunately only stayed one night, wish I stayed more!

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Things to Do Nearby

Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Galleria Doria Pamphilj
Parlamento Boutique Hotel
Holidays Suites Navona

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