Mount Pilatus, one of the closets Mountains to Zurich


Est. Duration


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All ages

Message from Julie Brown

Mount Pilatus is a stunning mountain in central Switzerland that overlooks the city of Lucerne. A beautiful place in Switzerland, providing panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes that are simply unparalleled.

Golden Round Trip to Mount Pilatus

Embark on an adventure from Lucerne to the majestic Mount Pilatus, which boasts incredible views over Lake Lucerne and the vast mountains of central Switzerland. This remarkable journey involves five unique modes of transportation: a boat, a cogwheel mountain train, a cable car, a gondola, and a bus.

  • The adventure begins in Lucerne, where you board a boat that travels along the red line to the foothills of Mount Pilatus.

  • Disembark the boat at Alpnachstad and transfer to the cogwheel train, which ascends Mount Pilatus along the blue line.

  • Once you reach the summit, savor the breathtaking views from the observation deck and the restaurant terrace. Optional cliff walk paths, ranging from 10 to 30 minutes, offer even more panoramic vistas.

  • After exploring the summit, descend the mountain via the cable car, following the green line to Frakmüntegg, the location of the summer toboggan ride.

  • Next, board the gondola (also along the green line) that will take you further down to Kriens.

  • Finally, catch the bus along the purple line that will bring you back to Lucerne.

  • It is recommended to allocate around 5-6 hours for this excursion.

  • It is advisable to catch the boat from Lucerne at either 9:38 am or 10:38 am.

*** Holders of the Swiss Travel Pass can enjoy this journey for a discounted price of CHF 39 (originally priced at CHF 111.60).**

Mountain railway tickets can be purchased on the boat or at the ticket office located at the ferry dock, which can be found directly opposite the main train station in Lucerne (please refer to the map).**

Do not forget to present your Swiss Travel Pass at the ticket office to receive the discount. The staff, who are fluent in English and extremely accommodating, will assist you. Please note that this discount is not available through the online booking system.

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