Scenic forest waterfall




Message from Sergio

It is one of the most popular hiking destinations on the island, known for its lush surroundings, picturesque landscape, and tranquil atmosphere. The name “Salto do Prego” roughly translates to “Jump of the Nail,” but the origin of the name is not clearly documented. It could be related to a local term or simply a name given due to its unique topography or appearance.

Historical and Cultural Aspects

The region surrounding Salto do Prego, particularly the village of Faial da Terra, is steeped in local history. Faial da Terra was historically a small agricultural village, and you can still see remnants of old terraced fields. The trails to the waterfall often pass by abandoned houses and historical paths, giving visitors a glimpse into the rural past of São Miguel. The village of Sanguinho, near the waterfall, was abandoned in the early 20th century as locals migrated in search of better opportunities, and it’s now part of the hiking route PRC09 SMI, offering a look into the traditional Azorean way of life.

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