🇸🇰Kajakom do morskej jaskyne / 🇬🇧Sea Cave Kayak Tour
🇸🇰 Výlet kajakom do morskej jaskyne so šnorchlovaním / 🇬🇧Sea Cave kayak tour with snorkeling and swimming


Age requirement

All ages

Message from Together to Unknown

🇸🇰Tento zájazd je ideálnym letným zážitkom pre priateľov a rodiny. Sprievodcovia celé dobrodružstvo zachytia s GoProm a kamerou. Fotografievám vám zašlú po výlete a sú zahrnuté v cene. Východiskový bod je na pláži Valsaline.

Highlightom tohto výletu je Modrá jaskyňa, do ktorej môžete vstúpiť na kajakoch, aby ste objavili skrytú pláž vnútri jaskyne a užili si prírodné krásy. Môžete si tam užiť aj skákanie z útesu!

Zarezervujte si prehliadku TU.

🇬🇧This tour is an ideal summer experience for friends and families. All the adventure is captured by tour guides with a GoPro and camera. Photos will be send after the tour and it's included in price. Starting point is at Valsaline beach.

Highlight of this trip is Blue Cave, which you are allowed to enter with kayaks to discover a hidden beach inside and enjoy the natural beauty. There you can also enjoy cliff jumping!

Book your tour HERE.

*By booking through me, you are supporting me as a content creator at no additional cost to you.

Things to Do Nearby

🇸🇰/ 🇬🇧Pula
🇸🇰Staré mesto Puly / 🇬🇧Pula Old Town
🇸🇰/ 🇬🇧Fran Center Apartments (Square)
🇸🇰/ 🇬🇧Pula Arena
🇸🇰/ 🇬🇧Apartman "Nicole"
🇸🇰Pláž Cyclone / 🇬🇧Cyclone beach

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