Zabriskie Point is a stunning landmark located in Death Valley National Park in California, USA. It is a type of erosional landscape and is made up of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake which was believed to have dried up around 5 million years ago! It was named after Christian Brevoort Zabriskie who was the vice-president and general manager of Pacific Coast Borax Company. This company used 20 mule teams to transport borax from its mines in Death Valley. This point is also used as a film location for Robinson Crusoe on Mars and The Mandalorian. U2's Album Joshua Tree cover also features a panoramic view of this beautiful terrain!
Pet-friendly: No, pets are not permitted
Soft adventure: Yes, if you stay on the overlook. If you go on the trails, it can be more of a medium adventure.
Seasonality: All seasons, but we would not recommend going in the summer due to excessive heat.
Fee: Park entry fees change from season to season ($25-$30)