People say convenience store food is delicious for what you pay. Wait until you visit Saizeria.
Saizeriya has been loved by locals for years, especially by teenagers and students (including myself back in the day!) because of its cheap but satisfying menu. Even now, they refuse to raise the prices on many of their most popular dishes, staying committed to keeping meals affordable for everyone.
Saizeriya is a nationwide franchise, so you’ll find it in almost every city, often near train stations or in shopping malls.
Here are the Top 10 most popular Saizeriya menu items. By the way, I always get the top 2.
ミラノ風ドリア (Milano-style Doria)
辛味チキン (Spicy Chicken)
小エビのサラダ (Shrimp Salad)
ミートソースボロニア風 (Bolognese Meat Sauce Pasta)
マルゲリータピザ (Margherita Pizza)
ラムのランプステーキ (Lamb Rump Steak)
ほうれん草のソテー (Sautéed Spinach)
イタリアンハンバーグ (Italian Hamburger Steak)
タラコソースシシリー風 (Cod Roe Sicilian-style Pasta)
フォッカチオ (Focaccia)