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Champagne truffles




Message from Tanya Deans

The Swiss brand Teuscher is known internationally as a gourmet chocolate producer, with fancy boutiques in major cities like New York, San Franciso, Tokyo, Seoul, and Abu Dhabi.

They are best known for their champagne truffles, which are sold individually and in lovely gift boxes. My family loves their candied oranges dipped in chocolate, the best we've ever had. Kids will enjoy their chocolates in fun animal shapes like cats and bees. 

They are also known for their seasonal figurines and decorations that double as chocolate "boxes," hiding pralines and chocolate truffles to be discovered by the recipient. These are often given as gifts, particularly to children.

Teuscher works with Cafe Felix in Zurich old town, providing many of their treats.

Confiserie Teuscher

Location: Storchengasse 9, 8001 Zürich and Bahnhofstrasse 46, 8001 Zürich

Open: Mon-Fri 10:00-18:30 / Sat 10:00-18:00 / Sun 12:00-18:00 only at Storchengasse location

Website: teuscher-zurich.ch

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