Tanya Deans
Summer, Switzerland
Public Transport
Bus 141 runs from the Lauterbrunnen train station up the valley to Stechelberg. This bus runs every 30 minutes. A one-way journey down the whole valley is 20 mins. Check timetable on SBB.ch
Attractions and their bus stop:
Lauterbrunnen train station → Lauterbrunnen, Bahnhof stop
Staubbach Falls → Lauterbrunnen, Kirche stop
Trummelbach Falls → Trummelbachfälle stop
Stechelberg-Mürren cable car → Stechelberg, Schilthornbahn stop
Trail to Obersteinberg hut → Stechelberg, Hotel stop (end of the line)
Free with Swiss Travel Pass, Berner Oberland Pass and GA.
50% discount with Swiss Half Fare Card.
No discount with Jungfrau Travel Pass.
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