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Easy walk on Zurich's mountain




Est. Duration


Message from Tanya Deans

This trail meanders along the ridge of Uetliberg, a small mountain on the western edge of Zurich city. It’s a lovely stroll through forests and meadows, with occasional views of Lake Zurich and even the alps in the distance. It’s nice in all seasons, but particularly in mid October when the trees change colors.

Trail: easy • 2 hours • 5.5 km one way • 80m up, 120m down
See trail map.

The trail is mostly a wide gravel/dirt road, obstacle-free and easy walking. Families can use a stroller with big wheels.

There are a few picnic area along the path with grill pits, as well as restaurants on both ends of the hike. We suggest eating a the Felsenegg Restaurant (just a couple minutes past the cable car station), which has a nice outdoor terrace with a view and small playground.

How to get there

To reach the trail, you ride the S10 train from Zürich to the Uetliberg train station . I suggest first walking up to the Uetliberg viewpoint a few minutes above the train station. Then you can walk back towards the train station, forking left at the trail signs Plantenweg

It's a one way trail ending at the Felsenegg cable car station. From there, you can ride the cable car down the mountain (see location of valley station). Then a short walk to the Adliswil train station and ride back to Zürich.


This hike requires a public transport ticket that covers zones 110, 154, 155 and 150. This covers the train from Zürich to Uetliberg, the cable car from Felsenegg to Adliswil, and the train from Adliswil to Zurich.

All of these rides are free with the Swiss Travel Pass, Zurich Card, ZVV 9 0'Clock Day Pass, SBB Day Pass, and SBB GA.

If you need a ticket from Zurich, best to buy the “Albis Day Pass” (aka Albis-Tageskarte) which covers all the required zones needed to access this trail and return by public transportation. You can purchase this Albis Day Pass at the ticket machines at the train station or tram stops.

If you already have a Zurich city day pass (Zone 110). You can buy a 3 Zone extension ticket for zones 154, 155, 150.

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