Get ready to experience one of the island's most mysterious and captivating places!
Bunker de San Andrés is an old World War II bunker located near Santa Cruz, Tenerife. It makes for a unique and exciting adventure perfect for those seeking some mystery and exploration. The journey begins in the picturesque village of San Andrés and then continues through alleys, long stairs, and a rocky path. After passing a crossroads and green hill, you can reach the entrance of the bunker and navigate your way in to find a lookout tower with stunning views of Las Teresitas beach, the wide ocean and Santa Cruz industrial zone.
Explorers beware: this bunker is not for faint hearts and can be quite spooky!
• San Andres is a village build up on a mountain. If you dont want to climb million stairs, you can drive up to get the nearest to the green hills where the path starts.
• Bring a charged mobile phone or something to illuminate the dark tunnels.
• Don´t be afraid of your own steps, the tunel has a strong echo.
• Have a bite to eat in San Andrés. I recommend "Arepera La Escollera" to try typical South American dish "arepa". The best one is with shredded chicken and avocado called Reina Pepiada.