Oberaletschhütte SAC is the perfect destination for hikers looking to get off the beaten path. Located in Blatten-Belalp, this accommodation offers 58 beds but booking in advance is highly recommended.
Start: Bergstation Belalp.
The hike is T3 which means there are exposed parts with chains to help you though. If you are scared of heights I do not recommend to go out or go with someone who is experienced.
From Belalp follow the sign towards the hut, you will cross a hanging bridge above the glacier river that is rushing down from Oberaletsch glacier.
The hike is 9,8 km long therefore I suggest to stay a night. Elevation gain is 960 meter on the way in and 400 meter on the way out.
You will have amazion views of several mountain peaks such as Geisshorn ( 3740) and Aletschhorn (4194m)
Tip: wake up before sunrise and head out to the plateau to watch ibexes graying and the sun is rising above the mountains. Such an incredible experience.