This guide (languages: ENG & FIN) is especially for those who want to travel around Finland by car, bike, motorcycle, or camper van and love to go on adventures in nature and small towns.
Let me introduce you to the best natural wonders and attractions, hiking and trekking trails, scenic routes and historical landmarks of Finland. Finland has a rich and fascinating history and I will help you explore the signs of the ice age, ancient rock paintings, medieval castles and fortresses, relics of our previous wars and much more. Of course, I will also recommend great museums, restaurants, cafes, guesthouses and hotels for your enjoyable stay.
Are you ready to experience the magic of Finland?
HUOM: Oppaan kohde-esittelyt tulevat olemaan kaikki englanniksi sekä suomeksi. (Ensin englanninkielinen teksti ja sitten alaspäin skrollaamalla suomi.)